Linear Fan Automasser Sprayer​​​​​​​

2000 liter linear fan model

  • Sturdy and durable chassis made of industrial profile with electrostatic paint
  • Tank material of anti-UV radiation materials to prevent fragility and maintain color by sunlight
  • Fan 65 Foley belt eight blades adjustable and 16 nozzles
  • The use of high quality European wired hose with anti-bursting and double skin
  • Three pieces of clean water tank for hand and face washing and washing circuit tank
  • Has a 220 liter solenoid filter to prevent the solution from leaving when cleaning the filter strainer
  • Automatic filling of the strainer and 5-meter hose strainer
  • Has a wide wheel to prevent soil knocking
  • Has 4 cylinder pump COMET 145 with a discharge of 115 liters per minute and 50 bar pressure made in Italy
  • Equipped with three-valve lever regulator with the possibility of adjusting the pressure from zero to forty times
  • Intenal agitator of the tank for uniformity of the solution inside the tank during spraying
  • Brass sand filters for solution filtration  
  • Extend the life of the pump and fitting machine by embedding separate washing tank

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